Ikono Ibom Personality: Obonganwan Regina Bruno Etim

Obonganwan Regina Bruno Etim

Ikot Ekpeyak Ikono

This great treasure was born on the 26th of July 1942. She hails from Nung Akpan Udo Mbong in Ikot Ekpeyak Ikono Ibom in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

She had her early childhood education at Convent School, Ukana, Essien Udom LGA and obtained her First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) in 1954.

She studied and obtained the Teacher's Grade (II) Certificate from Convent School, Ifuho, Ikot Ekpene in 1978.

She later proceeded to the College of Education in Uyo (now University of Uyo) where she studied and obtained the National Certificate of Education (NCE) in Home Economics in 1986.

Later, she got back to the University of Cross River State (now University of Uyo), where she studied and obtained a bachelor's degree (B.Ed) in Home Economics in 1997.

Having found passion in the field of education, this wonderful daughter of Ikono Ibom Clan in Uyo Local Government Area had a very fulfilled teaching career:

  • She served as class teacher at Primary School, Afaha Oku between 1975 - 1976
  • Teacher, at Primary School No.2, Ikot Ofon Ikono Ibom between 1977 - 1980
  • She also served as class teacher at Group School, Iton/Ikot Eboro in Ikono Ibom between 1981 - 1985
  • Between 1986 - 1996, she served as Vice Principal at Immaculate Conception Secondary School, Itak in Ikono Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State
  • Finally, she served at Secondary Commercial School, Ikot Etukudo, from 1997 and retired in 2002, after years of meritorious service to her people and fatherland

This great treasure is a Noble Sister (Knight) of the Catholic Church. She is the founder of Nka Unwana - Ikot Eboro Ikono Ibom. Obonganwan Bruno is also the leader of Progressives Co-operative Society, Ikot Eboro Ikono Ibom.

A recipient of the Ikono Ibom Development Union excellence award. She has received various meritorious awards from the Catholic Women Organization (CWO) Uyo Diocese too numerous to mention.

This great daughter of Ikono Ibom Clan is a 3 degree traditional title recipient being:

  • Obonganwan Emem in Uyo LGA
  • Obonganwan as was recognized by the Ikono Ibom Traditional Rulers Council
  • Traditional title holder as recognized by Ikot Eboro Village Council

This great woman is a Justice of the Peace (JP) as recognized by the United Nations. Mma Bruno as she is fondly called is a powerful voice in the midst of women in Ikono Ibom Clan, politically and otherwise. She is kind-hearted, humourous and very friendly.

She loves God and she loves her people too. She is well respected and always on the path of truth. Most times, she foregoes her rights and privileges just to make others happy and ensure peaceful co-existence.

She is a great adviser, full of wisdom and experience. A very stylish woman with proper packaging even at old age. She is a giver and a very sacrificial one at that.

She was married to Late (Hon) Bruno Etim and the marriage is blessed with six children.